Fifa scandal: Julio Rocha agrees Nicaragua extradition

(BBC)One of seven senior Fifa officials detained in Switzerland in May over corruption allegations has accepted extradition to Nicaragua.
Julio Rocha, the former head of the Nicaraguan Football Federation, is being sought by Nicaragua and the US.
Nicaragua's request can only go ahead if US authorities agree.
US prosecutors have indicted a total of 14 current and former Fifa officials and associates on charges of "rampant, systemic, and deep-rooted" corruption.
Nicaraguan prosecutors suspect Mr Rocha of taking "bribes in connection with the award to a US sports marketing agency of marketing rights to soccer matches", Nicaraguan justice ministry spokesman Folco Galli said, according to AFP.
Last month the first Fifa official to be extradited to the US, Vice-President Jeffrey Webb, pleaded not guilty and was placed under house arrest on $10m (£6.4m) bail by a New York judge.
Mr Webb, from the Cayman Islands, is accused of accepting bribes worth millions of dollars in connection with the sale of marketing rights.
The remaining officials wanted by the US have not yet agreed to be extradited. They are all from Latin America or from the Concacaf federation which covers North America and the Caribbean.
The US investigation was initially sparked by the bidding process for the Russia 2018 and Qatar 2022 World Cups, but was widened to look back at the dealings of world football's governing body over the past 20 years.
The Department of Justice's indictment says that the corruption was planned in the US, and that American banks were used to transfer money.Julio Rocha
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